Mental First Aid


  1. Process Emotions & Generational Issues w/ RET & DER

  2. Take Lightning - proper vitamin/mineral/amino acid ratio for the brain

  3. Follow doctor’s orders (such as Jan Graf, DC and MK Strydom, MD) to forgive

  4. Chase "darkness" which is taught in scripture by Jesus Christ’s example

  5. Live in Higher Consciousness - be mindful of one’s words and thoughts

  6. iTeraCare - scalar energy and terahertz frequency device


1. Process Trapped Trauma/Emotions

This was done for herself & generations before w/ Rapid Eye Technology and Deep Emotion Release. (DER is taught in my 2nd book and combines steps 1, 3 and 4!).

During a Rapid Eye Session the conscious mind is communicating with the subconscious mind creating a safe environment to let go of the energy attached to the stress or trauma. Rapid Eye Technology processes the trapped energy!

The RET Technician uses an eye directing device in a Neuro-Linguistic pattern to direct the eyes while the client blinks rapidly. As the wand moves back and forth in front of the eyes the client picks up the fast movement, replicating the “alpha/theta” brain wave state.

The RET Technician uses rapid spoken verbal communication to direct the release of core issues. During this process the eyes are rapidly blinking and releasing the energy of emotions, pictures, and memories. Many different eye movements, techniques and processes work to safely affect change in the whole. Most people respond wonderfully to this process and feel better immediately without reliving the trauma.

Rapid Eye assists in releasing trapped energy, negative patterns and limiting beliefs on all levels–physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of each being. This allows you to make new choices.

This is so easy a 5 year old can do it for a time, then we work on the parent in their stead. RET has 2 parts. The release work is quite relaxing, so clients generally lay down on a sofa. The "other half" of RET is cognitive learning to recognize Universal Laws affecting us and new positive skills for living so old patterns are not recreated. We introduce new skills for living to educate the client.

Learn more about RET on or from Carol Tuttle’s book Remembering Wholeness. The founder’s book, Reclaim Your Light through the Miracle of Rapid Eye Technology, by Dr. Ranae Johnson, is available free online at the previous link.

"Energy psychology (EP) modalities have been researched in more than 7 countries and by more than 50 investigators. Results have been published in more than 15 different peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology and the APA journals Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training and Review of General Psychology" explains an Energy Psychology site here: There have now been 6 meta-analysis on energy psychology.

2. Take Empowerplus Lightning by Renova

Lightning is vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in the proper ratio for calm, clarity & coping. These bypass the gut going directly into the bloodstream!

Scientific research at 23 Universities shows this formula is effective on disorders such as:

  • ADHD Addiction Autism Anxiety

  • OCD Stress Bipolar Depression

  • PTSD Early Dementia & Alzheimers Traumatic Brain Injury

Personalized advice for those on prescriptions at MICRONUTRIENT SUPPORT SERVICES # 866-397-3116

"Approximately 90% of the 100,000+ participants who have followed with a Micronutrient Support Services Success Coach have found a marked improvement in their symptoms and quality of life."

Renova has new technology not found anywhere else! Lightning’s tasty powder is absorbed directly into the bloodstream! It is the same trusted formula as capsules of Empowerplus, having gone through 5 additional processes to make it more quickly and efficiently absorbed. (Also available combined with a pre & probiotic.)

Order HERE from Renova Worldwide. I do not sell this any more as they are now only a retail store. You can use the 10% off code: REFDFQUN463NS

One of my children prefers the methylated version of Empowerplus Lightning. Those with the MTHFR gene expression do better with methylated B vitamins. Research shows the correct ratio of vitamins and minerals may be KEY to mental health for many. Researchers say this will change how psychiatry is practiced! Listen to psychiatrist, Julia Rucklidge, in the video below.

3. Forgive Out Loud & Specifically

After her appointment with Dr. Graf, my teenage daughter said that in order to feel better physically and mentally, she mostly had to forgive herself.  Dr. Graf taught her to forgive people by name for the specific things they did. I have also learned to forgive your life, your body, and even your ancestor's for the DNA and patterns passed down to you. Forgiving cuts unseen energy connections.

1. Forgive out loud to yourself to be more effective.
2. Be specific as to who you are forgiving and what you are forgiving them for.
3. Use present tense, "I forgive" rather than "I can, I will, I'd like to, I should, or I need to forgive."
4. Be sincere and live the 70 times 7 Principle."

(Dr. Jan Graf homework and class notes, Centerville, UT, Dec. 3, 2011)

See and my second book An LDS Approach to Energy Healing for more information. Or watch my video on this site on how to do Deep Emotion Release that includes forgiveness steps. The late Dr. Jan Graf ‘s work is in Peace through Forgiveness: How Combining Forgiveness, Stress Management and Energy Techniques Can Lead to Inner Peace and Lightness of Being.

A second witness to the power of forgiveness is MK Strydom, MD who teaches that forgiveness of God, self and others must be completed for healing to occur. Her book Healing Begins with Sanctification of the Heart is free online as a PDF. Pages 325-327 outline what YOU can do as a general approach to any dis-ease. These are the same principles we teach in the healing arts.

In this amazing book, the doctor also teaches about generational clearing and of the very real healing power of removing the toxic mindset behind specific illnesses. Her very generous gift of this book is offered freely.

4. Chase Darkness

This step was uncomfortable, at first, to learn about.

However, it can make an amazing difference! Pres. Russell M. Nelson has taught a few times in recent years to cast this influence out of our life, so have courage! Use your faith or be a peacemaker which accomplishes this as well.. (See his April 2022 - 23 General Conference addresses.)

Sensitive people (such as those with High Sense Perception and spiritual gifts like being empathic) tend to exhibit too much compassion - even subconsciously - and become vulnerable to energetic attacks. Psychiatrists and doctors have written books about this along with those who've experienced it firsthand. (One of my clients wrote me a letter about this as it relates to negative thoughts. Read it HERE )

My daughter and hundreds of clients have found that chasing darkness (D&C 50) and rebuking evil and unclean spirits in Jesus Christ's name is remarkably helpful. Learn more from Jesus’ examples by reading the paper “Understanding Spiritual Evil in the Context of Psychotherapy” at my blogspot post here: . When people learn to ground to their own energy and live in gratitude, casting out is needed far less often. (This step is not a final solution. People still need to get to the root of why they have been prone to issues of this sort.)

People in the above paper who desired it, have used this scripture-based help to reportedly overcome same sex attraction and pornography addictions. Read Scott Gillespie’s testimony about that on another post on my blogspot here or read another’s man’s experience in the Addendum to my 2nd book posted online here. My first book, Healing Arts, has dozens of related quotes from general authorities and scriptures in two chapters on this topic. My second and third books have chapters on this subject, also. Additionally, MK Strydom, MD teaches to cast out any evil spirits influencing illness and outlines from the Bible which ones are behind specific illnesses! Dietrich Klinghardt, MD speaks somewhat to this subject as well as Larry Dossey, MD, and other medical doctors in my later books.

“An article in the British medical journal The Practitioner (March 1974) Dr. Richard Mackarness (Assistant Pyschiatrist at Park Prewett Hospital, Basingstoke in Hapshire ) recorded how [casting out evil] helped a patient suffering from a schizoid illness.”  (Ken McAll, MD, Healing the Family Tree, p 80-81)

5. Live in Higher Consciousness

This means learning to THINK differently.

Practice daily "mental hygiene" by watching your words. A prophet taught that "Faith works by words." One of my clients wrote, "I finally understand that this whole 'bipolar' thing is about the WAR within my thoughts!! ... The most effective ones seem to be "I am a victim," ...blaming others, criticism, etc."

To begin changing one's perspective on challenges (even mental illness) read this post on "Mighty Spirits." Beyond turning around one's perceptions about illness, also learn to think differently by practicing forgiveness, gratitude and praise in all things. This is introduced in my first book, Healing Arts - A Gift from God and taught more specifically step by step in my second book, An LDS Approach to Energy Healing. Living in a higher vibration of consciousness invites more intelligence in the Light of Christ, also known as "life force energy," into one's being.

Learn to create what you desire instead of repeating old patterns. Learn more on this post about perceptions: here.

Rapid Eye Techs often teach free Positive Skills for Life classes on universal laws that affect Thoughts, Perception, and Health... offers them online. Find a teacher grounded in the gospel of Christ. Leslie Householder teaches of 7 Universal Laws. Learn to create what you desire first spiritually so it may manifest physically. James Cox' course on "Becoming Spiritually Centered" by learning the thought patterns of Christ is another great option or Janette VanLeer’s work.

6. The iTeraCare frequency device

This frequency device structures water, putting scalar energy and terahertz frequencies into water and also into your body. Amazingly, terahertz goes 8-11 inches into your body! It can reach the bone marrow and activate stem cells! Scalar energy and THz have remarkable capabilities!

My daughter has had the best year ever for mental health which I feel is due to owning and using iTeraCare in her own home. She said this technology has been LIFE CHANGING!

Learn more on the article I wrote about iTeraCare on this website (scroll to the bottom of the main page or use the tab at the top left of the main page).