An LDS Approach to Energy Healing


This is a much more hands-on book than Tamara’s first best-sellilng book. This one forcuses on Generational Cleaing. It teaches step-by-step how to do Deep Emotion Release (DER) to clear using the eyes. This elegant modality may be done on oneself or with others. Scripture tells us that the light of the body is the eye and that there is no work of darkness save it shall be made manifest in the light. Fascinating stories are shared about recognizing ancestor faces while gazing with love in the eyes using specific intentions that work up the Map of Consciousness. Fill-in-the-blank processes and optional techniques are offered to move up to forgiveness, gratitude and praise in all things.

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Top 4 Winner! “Best Consciousness Books for Beginners” 

Discover how to clear trapped emotions and trauma through the EYES. Learn to SEE generational issues shift and what scripture calls "darkness" leave. Step by step instructions are given on how to do Deep Emotion Release (DER) to clear trauma, unprocessed emotions and inherited family patterns. Here is a powerful, energy healing modality in a book where all credit for healing goes to God.

Deep Emotion Release uses specific intent and higher consciousness processes such as forgiveness, gratitude and praise while gazing deeply with love in the eyes. "The light of the body is the eye." (Matt. 6:22) Deep Emotion Release is an elegant, spiritual tool for integrative health self-care. This process may also be used to help others, even remotely, for long distance healing work.

The book includes a comprehensive collection of quotes and scriptures about generational healing or overcoming covenant curses spoken of in the Bible - the dysfunctional family patterns passed down in the DNA. Validating quotes by prophets and apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are included for the principles used in generational healing and the Deep Emotion Release processes. The preface and introduction briefly review profound insights on the universal Light of Christ in scripture, also known as life force energy. [This insight is from Tamara Laing's first book: Healing Arts – A Gift From God (LDS Insight on the Light of Christ & Energy Medicine).]

Chapter topics include: spiritual gifts; healing; women and power; higher consciousness: forgiveness, gratitude and praise in all things; charity as a purifier; helpful perceptions about mental illness; the last days; and distance work. A seven page Addendum is now included which contains a reader's story on using the DER process to overcome Same Sex Attraction and pornography compulsions. Also added is a newer and more detailed outline of the Deep Emotion Release process with helpful tips and wording for beginners to this holistic method.

This powerful book offers a paradigm shift regarding trials. The author gives practical steps to use beyond mindfulness in challenges (such as experiencing life with a suicidal loved one, as Tamara did). Lesser known pieces to the puzzle of dis-ease and mental health challenges are discussed. The author has compiled unique scripture lists on “light vs. darkness” to open minds to the reality of the influence of evil spirits and to help overcome devices of the adversary.

Delightful and surprising stories and examples are woven throughout the book on using the Deep Emotion Release process - even at a distance- to assist those wanting to overcome grief, suicidal thoughts, abuse (even ritual abuse), same sex attraction, addictive behavior, false beliefs and more. This book exudes hope!

Readers remark: "Extremely rewarding material!" - Sabrina Potter,

"Beautiful and powerful! I hung onto every word. What a gift!" - Kim Watts,

"Tamara's work and testimony will once again change lives profoundly." - Holli Oram, M.S. Psychology,

"Tamara Laing is all about the processes needed to establish Zion before the coming of our Lord and Savior. . . . She empowers [others] to awake to their end-time roles. . . . A timely and compelling book." - Avraham Gileadi,

"I have studied over 20 different modalities and this one goes deeply into the layers of generational issues." - Bonnie Nordfelt,

"People who have been abused are beginning to heal just by reading your book." - Name withheld,

"A very powerful book!" Karen T.,

"Tamara's topic is truly life changing! How to get out of 'false traditions of our fathers...' Here is wisdom on becoming the 'Elect' of God: what it is, and 'how do I get there?'" - Robin Young
